Friday 4 November 2022

Diamond Jubilee Daddy Otedola @60 : Happy Birthday to you Sir

 In a great atmosphere where the biggest happiness flow like breeze from the ocean. You are celebrated all over the world with your great mind and happy soul. Happy birthday to you sir.

You make each day special just by being yourself. I hope your birthday is as special as you are.
You are the most generous and fun-loving person I know. You deserve a birthday full of good things and sweetness, reading about you is amazing and warmed my heart.
Thanks for being a gentle and kind mentor to us all. We want to celebrate another year of joy and cheers with you. May your life be full of kindness and happiness.

You are an inspiration to everyone. You touch so many lives with joy, and you deserve to have your deepest wishes and dreams come true on this special day.

You are a shining example for all of us. We all tend to follow your example as we try to be better persons. Happy birthday to the one who goes before us and blazes the trail for success.

You are the reason I endured everything in my life. With so much change in our lives, you are the one constant that is always there. Thanks for enduring with many young youths all over the over the world through the seasons. Happy Birthday.
It is just amazing how you manage to look beautiful and elegant every single day. For all the years, special inspiration to be more.
This day marks the moment you entered our lives in the world. You are an inspiration for me and all around you since Day one.
Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. Fantasy is a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. But you need a friend that will help you look at life's realities, and for me, you are that person.
Happy Birthday to the person who sacrifices a lot every single day for everyone else. I hope we are all able to give you a little back of the love you show us every single day. Daddy Otedola, continue to enjoy the good health and endless happiness.



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