Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Shocking! Sudden Death of First Bank Staff; Mrs Bosede Adebomi

Late Mrs Bosede Adebomi's husband's friend writes...
What a waste and sheer negligence on the part of our health system in our dear Country over a mere post-ectopic pregnancy surgery complications that led to Septic Shock which ultimately aggravated to septic shock. Within 3 days, in 3 different health Institutions presumed to be good if not first class in Lagos State. It is saddening and harrowing for my friend Adebomi Taiwo to lose his best friend, partner, heartthrob, confidant, wife and mother of their wonderful son in such a pitiable circumstances especially when he was willing to do everything humanly possible to save the adorable wife.

For me, it was painful to lose someone i had reasons to learn one or two in-tricks about Digital Marketing professionalism from during the process of sealing a lucrative contract. I have had 2 weeks of eventful reasons to have observed her from close quarters in company of the Husband and we all appreciated her impeccable touch of excellence in her field of endeavor coupled with her humble and easy going mien at home and at work. I pray that God will give my friend, her darling immediate sister, mother-in-law and her own mum who shared the 3 days of hellish throes at the Hospitals with us. My friend paid so heavily to the hospitals yet he never got the premium service delivery that he wanted and became delusional.

My only source of joy was that she was a true believer, compassionate and a loving,submissive wife to the Husband. ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, SEPSIS or SEPTIC SHOCK or whatever did not win because she is actually resting in the bosom of our dear lord. It was a glorious exit, an impact-ful life devoid of any skirmishes. She was a great personality, adorable even at her workplace-First Bank PLC where her fellow staffs are still in a shock. DEATH WHY! DEATH WHY MUST IT BE Bose Oyawale Adebomi at all. I PRAY THAT MY FRIEND WILL HAVE THE FORTITUDE TO BEAR THE LOSS.


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