Tuesday 24 March 2015

Watch President Obama's Pre-Election Video that Sparks Internet Outrage

The above video shows the President of America, President Barack Obama, delivering a heartwarming speech to Nigerians as they draw closer to the day of reckoning - the election date. In the speech, he commended Nigeria's progress since independence and urged Nigeria to stand strong against the scourge that is Boko Haram. He rounded off his speech by assuring Nigerians that they would continue to have a friend in the United States of America.

The Transcript of the speech is given below  culled from nigerianbulletin (for those unable to watch the video):

"Hello. Today, I want to speak directly to you—the people of Nigeria. Nigeria is a great nation and you can be proud of the progress you’ve made. Together, you won your independence, emerged from military rule, and strengthened democratic institutions. You’ve strived to overcome division and to turn Nigeria’s diversity into a source of strength. You’ve worked hard to improve the lives of your families and to build the largest economy in Africa.

Now you have a historic opportunity to help write the next chapter of Nigeria’s progress—by voting in the upcoming elections. For elections to be credible, they must be free, fair and peaceful.All Nigerians must be able to cast their votes without intimidation or fear. So I call on all leaders and candidates to make it clear to their supporters that violence has no place in democratic elections—and that they will not incite, support or engage in any kind of violence—before, during, or after the votes are counted. I call on all Nigerians to peacefully express your views and to reject the voices of those who call for violence.

And when elections are free and fair, it is the responsibility of all citizens to help keep the peace, no matter who wins. Successful elections and democratic progress will help Nigeria meet the urgent challenges you face today. Boko Haram—a brutal terrorist group that kills innocent men, women and children—must be stopped. Hundreds of kidnapped children deserve to be returned to their families. Nigerians who have been forced to flee deserve to return to their homes.

Boko Haram wants to destroy Nigeria and all that you have worked to build. By casting your ballot, you can help secure your nation’s progress. I’m told that there is a saying in your country: “to keep Nigeria one is a task that must be done.” Today, I urge all Nigerians—from all religions, all ethnic groups, and all regions—to come together and keep Nigeria one. And in this task of advancing the security, prosperity, and human rights of all Nigerians, you will continue to have a friend and partner in the United States of America."

One of the first comments on the YouTube page read: "we appreciate the speech, but you (Obama) and ur myopic Hilary Clinton played a part in the escalation of this madness. Blocking Nigeria's access to international weapons market and hilary's refusal to label these beasts as a terrorist organization contributed in no little measure to the madness.Thanks anyway. And will go all out and vote out the clueless Jonathan. GMB all the way!!"

A nairaland user commented thusly: "While the speech is very eloquent, I find it a bit hypocritical of the US to claim to be a friend of Nigeria and assume a big brother stance, when it was very quick to desert us in time of need.

However, If I correctly understand Obama's subtle nuances, from 1:50-1:53 of the video, it seemed like he was encouraging voting for GEJ. He says, "By casting your ballot, you can help secure your nation's progress"."

Someone else wrote: "You must be more careful when America has interest in your country...I can trace all troubles of the world to America..they told us Iraq had weapons of mass lie. Why haven't they struck Iran or North Korea...they know those nations have and any repeat of Iraq will be suicidal for them. Many other nations abound that America is covertly fuelling crisis...syria, Yemen, Iran, Palestine /Israel Feud.

All troubles are from there. I fear for this message...France and many other nations are having elections this year...why Nigeria..afraid is catching meee ooo"

In the interest of fairness, there were those who greeted the message happily:

A commentator said: "Merely taking a glance @ d video I come to realize tht OBAMA even want CHANGE For 9ja" (unedited)

Another enthused: "A real president speaking!"

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