Sunday, 3 April 2016

Exclusive: I did not sleep with your manager! Linda Ikeji fires back at Wizkid

Ghen Ghen.. This is the beginning....... Wizkid VS LindaIkeji.. Let me do a bit brief summary.. Linda Ikeji once posted about Wizkid baby mama which did not go down well with him.. Later within that week Wizkid takes a swipe at Linda on his twitter page that with her money she's still single.... Just few days ago, Linda Ikeji run an exclusive info that Wizkid has been given quick notice on his suppose bought house in Lekki which Linda Ikeji said it's a lie that Wizkid actually rented the house and he has started moving out. What now break the camels back was that Wizkid wrote on Linda Ikeji's IG page that "she is a bitch and her pu**y stinks that his manager bangs her in hotel room and that she likes she can hide at the back of her laptop that he will ask his 16 years old brother to beat Linda Ikeji. Anyway, Linda Ikeji has addressed the issue today and said she did not sleep with WizKid's manager and very soon she will soon marry. Smiles.. Let's stay close as more revelations keeps unfolding.
By Adefemi

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