Saturday, 17 December 2016

Will God Save All People?

Will God Save All People?

Author: Emode Victor
A Promise For You From Bible Promises:
 Topic: Will God Save All People? [17/12/2016]
Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? Ezekiel  18:23. Read: Jn 3:15-19
 Will God actually save all men on earth to His Kingdom at the end? I think the question should be, will all men be willing to be saved by God? Because Jesus death is not for a specific people but for the whole world. He died to save all, not some. Jn 4:42 says, Christ is the Saviour of the world. Jn 6:33 says, Jesus gives life to the world. Jn 12:47 also says, Jesus did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. And God said in the above scripture that, He is not willing that sinners should perish in their sin, but that they should turn and live.
 So God's intent is that all men should be saved, but not all men are willing to be saved. Therefore, God can save all people on earth to His Kingdom by His power but not all people can be saved due to their decision. Joshua told the people, I and my household have chosen to be saved by God, you too must choose whether you want to be saved by him. Jos 24:15. Even if you are not saved yet, come He is willing to save you right now, are you willing to confess Him? Don't follow those that say that God already known those that would be saved. Even if you believe that, I am telling you now that you are part of the people God wants to save.
 * Your willingness to come to His saving knowledge will bring God to help and save you. Be willing today.

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