Sunday 16 July 2017

Turkey coup anniversary: Emotional Erdogan hails 'defenders of nation

Media captionPresident Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed a huge Istanbul crowd
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has delivered an emotional address to tens of thousands of people in Istanbul on the anniversary of a failed coup.
What an Emotional night in Turkey!
President Erdogan hails coup resisters,who defended the Nation against the Coup last year.
Meanwhile back in Nigeria,some political jobbers are praising and worshipping Nnamdi Kanu and his plan to cause a secession ,which may likely result in a coup like kind of a situation,this country is not ready for.
Even with all the reasonable reasons Ojukwu had,he could not sustain a secession.
If i were to be born during the Civil war time,i would have joined Biafra under Ojukwu to fight the Federal Government,because of the attitude Gowon brought to take over Government, ignoring an existing political structure, which is still our problems today.
France,Isreal supported Biafra ,while Russia,Britain stood with Nigeria,but in the end,they ended up selling arms to both combatants. With the political situations around the world today,with Britain out of EU,France with her Economic recession, terrorist activities. Does Nnamdi Kanu and his supports still think that France and others will show support for Biafra to fight Nigeria again?
This man that is making all these noise of secession,will in the end go into hiding. During the internalization of the Nigerian civil war,which finally ended in Ethiopia, in a Commonwealth conference under the Chairmanship of Emperor Haile Selassie. Was Ojukwu at the meeting? What was Awolowo's response when the " peace letter " from Haile Selassie was sent to all the representative ,from both sides of the divides,which finally ended the war?
People keep using the Injustice in Nigeria as a reason why the should be secession, even as the call for restructuring is still high,but the injustice in Nigeria did not start today and won't end today.
To me,I will go the line of "True Federalism " in my opinion of a restructuring,but secession is not an option.
Sometimes I use to think ,if Gowon and other actors involved had respected and observed the ruling at " Aburi accord,by now,True Federalism would have a head way.
On a second thought, why not implement some section of the National Conference report even as we hope for a better Nigeria.

Gloria Ekong.

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