Sunday 16 November 2014

Inspiraion Words: Stars Within Reach

Winter can be a fantastic time to view the stars in the heavens above with clear crisp nights. The stars seem so bright that you feel you can almost reach up and touch them.

Some Stars We Can Reach
But, we all know in reality that the stars above cannot be touched. However, there are plenty of stars here on earth that not only can be touched but also can be grasped firmly.
Add Substance To Catch
Every person living in North America has golden opportunity to attain and retain the grasp of any star you want. It is not just a dream but also more of a quest. Dreams are great except they have no substance. You need to put substance to any dream if you want to catch it, grasp it and hold it just like you were reaching for the stars.

There are far too many opportunities to reach and catch a star that it is always amazing how few people actually accomplish what they dream about. Why is this?

The Thought That Destroys
I believe that one of the most debilitating of human thoughts is that where a perfectly capable person only dreams about reaching a new level or about acquiring a new and better lifestyle but they never take one single step to move forward.

The point is this: there are countless ways to get what you desire, to turn dreams into reality that they could fill an entire book. I am not at all surprised that new immigrants that come to any country in North America take hold of these dreams and make them a reality.

They Teach A Great Lesson
You see, people that have never had the opportunity before they arrived, take the bull by the horns and work, and work to turn their dreams into their reality. They do not see roadblocks, they do not use excuses but all they see is that there are no roadblocks that cannot be overcome.

I am always amazed as well at how many people that were born in North America complain that they cannot get ahead but are unwilling to work, to study, to get off the couch, to give up their TV or parties. The stars are right in front of them but you cannot grab them if you don't move.

Keep The Door Open Or Lose Out

For those people who do not see opportunities, they have their doorways closed to all those opportunities. It isn’t a matter that opportunities are going to come knocking on your door or fall from the skies either.

It is really a matter that you are in control of your own fortunes and it is not the responsibility of anyone else, not your spouse, partner, friends, community or country. Opportunities are everywhere so get up to the door and open it.

No Desire Gives No Stars

You can see the stars if you open your eyes and use your abilities and energy to hold your hand out and reach for them. The stars of life are everywhere. They are within your reach but you must desire to grab them or there will be elusive forever. It is within your reach but you must take the initiative and if you do, you can set up a goal to reflect what you really want.

Create Your Own Shiny Star

You do not need to think that anyone else is at fault if you do not have a plan. You do have the option right now to create a whole new future, a future that sparkles like the stars that so brilliantly shine.

Your star is there but you need to reach it and that journey is available as long as you know that you cannot reach that star in one bound. It takes a plan, a plan that requires your attention, your dedication and your stamina. After all, anything worth reaching takes effort for we all know that success is not a quick fix to troubles or desires but, instead, is more of a steady process where each step taken is one step closer to the end.

Build It Right Now

There is opportunity but only if you stop blaming others for your lack of getting what you want and there is everything right here, right now that can help you attain a life you want. Don't just sit there and stare at the stars, build your own spacecraft and go get them.

by Byron Pulsifer,

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