Friday 26 December 2014

Dear Lokko: My Husband Is Sleeping With My Sister, What Do I do?

 This is a very touching story and it broke my heart completely. She sent in a mail this week and it’s the first mail I am receiving on our Touching_Story category.
Please note: We have removed some sensitive information that may render Lizzy’s public life vulnerable.
Read her story and drop your thoughts after the cut…

Dear Lokko,
My name is Lizzy, I was brought up in a God-fearing family, my parents gave birth to three girls and I am the eldest. I pose a natural beauty, even when I remained committed to being a family of Deeper Life Bible Church. My family no longer attend the church, but that’s a story for another day.
My younger sister attends one of these new generation churches and is equally very pretty. So I got married to my husband last two-years, we finally had a child this year, I asked my younger sister to come and stay with us for sometime while I fully recover.
I never knew I was only kick-starting the pathway to destruction. I pray alot, I get revelation from God, but I never saw this one happening. My whole life is in ruins and I have lost everything..
I told my husband I was going to vigil on this very day I hate to remember. On getting to church, I started to feel pains in my body, so I decided to go home and get some rest as I was not willing to sleep on the chair.
I drove back home, took some water from the dining. My baby was crying.. I was wondering what was going on.. And then I got the shocker of my life as I opened my matrimonial room. I saw my man, my husband banging my younger sister. I was there for like 10-seconds and they didn’t even notice my presence, until I gave up and hit the ground.
I woke up in the hospital two days after, still in tears and shock. I am confused; I don’t know what to do. My entire life is destroyed, I kept my virginity for my husband, but this is what I get for being a good woman.
Can I still live or just kill myself. I love my child so much, that’s the only reason I am still alive to send this mail. I have developed total hatred for my husband and younger sister. What do I do, Please advice me.
Over to you, what do you think?


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