Monday 22 December 2014


The National Publicity Secretary of Afenifere organisation in Nigeria,Mr Yinka Odumakin has stressed the main reasons why he distanced himself from the presidential ambition of  the former military Head of State General Muhammadu  Buhari  of All People Congress(APC) and now pitching his tent with President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of Peoples Democratic Party(PDP).
The Afenifere leader was the former campaign manager for the former Head of State during the 2011 presidential election.
Odumakin made this declaration  while chatting exclusively with Dare Lasisi’s blog in London over the weekend.
“President Goodluck Jonathan has promised to re-structure Nigeria to ensure fairness,equity and justice.APC is the only political party that failed to send any delegate or  representation to the National Abuja Confab.In fact,they boycotted the national debate on how to move Nigeria forward and started sponsoring media propaganda to discredit the confab. Why must I continue to associate with such a political party?Why must I support their presidential candidate?”
Odumakin further stressed that many events have taken place between year 2011 and year 2014.
“Don’t get me wrong.I am not saying  Jonathan has performed excellently well on good governance  but he has laid a formidable template by organising the national conference to discuss many problems facing our dear country.Mr President strongly believe in the unity and progress of the country.We have more than 600 resolutions at the national conference and if President Jonathan fails to implement them in 2015 as agreed.We are ready to go on national protest and ‘Occupy Nigeria’ once again to demand for proper re-structuring of the entity called Nigeria.But if APC grabs power in 2015,the party is most likely to reject the Confab report which means all the human resources and federal government funds spent on the conference wasted. “
On the possibility of military coup to clear away the political mess in Nigeria.
“Our military system has been polarised and ‘monetised’ at the moment.It is impossible for a successful coup to take place for so many reasons.Any military coup right now shall lead to ethno-religious wars and if not another civil war plus the rejection by the international community.You think if President Jonathan is murdered in any coup.You think his people from the Niger-Delta region shall fold hands to do nothing to avenge his death?Don’t just talk about any military coup for now.As Yoruba adage says :"Until you kill a mad man,then you’ll see his relatives  demanding for justice against his killers.”
When asked to react to APC brand of political opposition in Nigeria.Odumakin stated that APC’s style of opposition is destructive not constructive at all.APC is yet to appreciate  some of the visible achievements of President Goodluck Jonathan.
“When Papa Obafemi  Awolowo,the Leader of the Unity Party of Nigeria(UPN) was alive as an opposition leader. The late Sage tackled and criticised Alhaji Shehu Shagari’s NPN administration in a constructive manner. Papa did not just throw tantrums and abuses all about newspapers to seek for attention or grab headlines like the present crop of APC members. Papa Awolowo argued with logic, clarity and practicable way forward for Nigeria. Since APC was launched, they have issued more than 130 press statements-all of them to criticise Jonathan and PDP in destructive ways and to glorify terrorism in Nigeria. You’ll never read any solution in their press statement.”
Mr Yinka Odumakin concluded that he is releasing an explosive memoir on Obasanjo’s years in government on 29th December 2014.

“I was detained at Panti prison by the former President Olusegun Obasanjo  for a week when I criticised his unlawful clampdown on press freedom in Bayelsa State when DSP Alams was the executive governor.All the details are in my forth-coming book.”

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