Friday 2 January 2015

Kunle Afolayan blasts instagram followers trying to correct him

Oh wow,  Kunle Afolayan is not smiling at rude fans this year. Normally he ignores insults and other irrelevant comments on his instagram page but this morning he responded to one of ‘em and it was one hell of a response.
It all began after the multi-talented Nollywood actor and film makerhad posted a picture of himself on Instagram where he was smoking Shisha (molasses-based tobacco concoction smoked in a hookah).
The photo was posted without any caption, leaving people in the dark and letting the picture speak for itself.
Seeing the photo, many of his Instagram followers criticized him and mocked him for not being a role model for many.
He responded thus:…I don’t need a preacher on his page. Preach your morals to your children if you have any or take it to church, mosque of shrine. Best bet, delete yourself.”

“I am not a celebrity neither do I see myself as anybody’s role model. I am a professional and human as well. I do what I want to do when I want to do it. Social media is not for kids but adult. Neither is it a church or mosque. My page is my page and I am entitled to display any picture of my choice. For those running their mouth because they claimed to be a fan and buy my film, you are not buying because it’s kunle but because you derive value. Don’t say because they named today Boxing Day and decide to show your skills. Moreso, maybe some people needs to be enlightened. It is shisha and they come in different flavor like apple etc . If nah cigarettes Or weed nko , you for kuku abuse my mama! Hypocrisy is a decease. For those who love me and my work genuinely, I say I love you too. Let’s be civil,”

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