Monday 29 December 2014

You need to read this! Buhari and the Parable of 150 Cows


During his public Assets declaration recently on a popular Social media, Presidential  candidate of the #APC Major  General Mohammed Buhari repeated his 1999, 2003, 2007 sermons, " I have 150 cows only as a part of My Assets and not 'less' than One million Naira in My bank Account."

As a young Man, I think one should not encourage poverty, and I will not take the respected General as a mentor when it comes to Economic and Financial Issues.
Here, I disagree with General Buhari. You cannot have 150 Cows in 1999 and still be a poor man.
In 1999, a generous father, a herdsman gave his Son 150 Cows. You know the story of Naboth & Ahab & the 'inheritance' vineyard? (1 kings 21)Don't give it away he advised, a counsel of a father to a Son.......
ok, back to the matter..
150 Cows, 30 males & 120 lively Females (Though the General never told us how many Males & females) as an enterprising young Man, is equals to REPRODUCTION, except the Cows are all Impotent.
Breeding is a game mechanic that allows animals of the same species to breed with each other to make new animals.
A cow takes-in 15 months after birth and 60 days after first calf, can conceive again...
It means, well groomed ones would produce more every year.... let's say, average of 2 per year if they engaged in family planning.
It is important for us to note here that Heifers are female bovines that have not had a calf. A heifer will no longer be a heifer after she has had a calf where she becomes a Cow: a female mature bovine that has had a calf. Heifers remain heifers from the day they are born until they have had their first calf.
So, 1999 to 2014, I don't think my heifers that never reproduced can be called cows…
I was advised to note that most heifers "will start to show the first signs of heat when they are between 9 and 22 months of age."
They would start breeding from at least 15 months of age.
Fast forward...................
So, from 1999 to 2014, i.e. 15 years i.e.  180 months.
If it takes a Heifer 15 months after birth to mature and Breed and a cow 60 Days to conceive again after delivery, It means, in 15 years, As a good farmer and economically conscious of the fact that my livelihood depends on how well  my farm yields, I will frugally manage My resources and grow it, I am likely to have lots of Cows.....
In 15 years, with 120 Heifers, I should on the average have up to 3600 new ones, (Bulls, Heifers and cows excluding initial start-up 'Capital') with two new calves per Year a Heifer or Cow.
If Two Calf per year a Heifer or Cow, (Being overly optimistic, take into consideration Death as well) as a good manager of resources, in a Year, I should have 240 Calves. (Let's say, 10 died, But I Did not say so when I made my reports public, so we stick with the 150 Cows.)
240 Heifers multiplied by 2 will give us another 480 the next year excluding initial start-up 'Cows' cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Now, if in the 2nd year of management I have 480 Heifers and now a total of 240 Cows excluding Bulls, as a good manager of Resources, how many Heifers and Cows will I have In the Next 13 years? (Let's put death rate at 3% annually.)
The father of the Young Man just returned from his Journey, like the Biblical Jesus who told a Parable and called the Son to account for the resources He left behind in his care.
The report card says that in the last 15 years, the son was given 150 cows, lo and behold! the son added no value to it...
It remained stagnant, unproductive....
It's either the young man isolated the males from the females or he has a better excuse to give for this level of failure...
Now, I refer you to the biblical parable of the three servants & their journey man master who gave each, pieces of talents. While two reproduced, you know the pathetic story of the third foolish fellow who hid his away.
The father got angry, fired His son and hired a stranger to manage his Farm.....
Is the father wrong?
 Will you hire the unproductive man to manage your own farm?
There's no excuse for failure, though we fail sometimes.

Roland Akachukwu writes from LAGOS.

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