Saturday 17 January 2015

GEJ's Maiduguri Trip, Hallmark of Deceit: Ezekwesili said

oby ezeks
Following the news of President Jonathan's visiting the people of Borno and Maiduguri, Oby Ezekwesili has taken to Twitter to tongue lashed Mr President.
"If no one has told Mr. President yet, I will," she says. "Going to Maiduguri 'supposedly' to boost morale of our soldiers yesterday was hallmark of deceit."

"Mr. President, you keep listening to sycophants who tell you that a journey like yesterday's was GREAT. No. It was not. It was inhumane."

Perhaps bristling with anger herself, she wrote: "Mr. President, it ANGERS your grieving citizens that you forgot to visit them UNTIL ONLY AFTER THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS BEGAN. Where were you?"

Continuing her questions, she asked:

"Mr. President, I urge you to DEEPLY REFLECT on your ACTIONS on the Chibok Girls and other abductions, North-east and the state of the Military. (Are you) PLEASED?

"Mr. President," she continued, "I am one who GENUINELY PRAYS for you. But it is clear that GOD will NOT DO what MAN MUST DO after He answers OUR prayers.

"Mr. President, I hope the courtiers who genuflect sycophantic praise to you would DARE give you the CNN report on the state of OUR SOLDIERS?"

"Mr. President, toying with the tragedies of your CITIZENS on the basis of POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY is the worst thing a leader can do.

"Mr. President, today is DAY277 of the Chibok Girls' abduction. Their parents cry your July 22 PROMISES. When was the last time they heard from you?"

"Mr. President, why is it that it is ONLY when the world FOCUSES that you demonstrate a flash of Leadership on TRAGEDIES of your CITIZENS?

"Mr. President," she concluded, "I BELIEVE in POWER OF REDEMPTION. It is NEVER LATE to do the RIGHT turn away from the wrong path.

"God help you, sir."

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