Thursday 22 January 2015

Power: Jonathan Inherited Only 2,800MW, Says Nebo

Chinedu-Nebo-0104.jpg - Chinedu-Nebo-0104.jpg
  •   Blames power situation on vandalism
  • Mark, Suswam Intensify Campaign for Violence-free Polls
By Omololu Ogunmade in Abuja
Senate President, Senator David Mark and Governor Gabriel Suswam of Benue State yesterday appealed to Nigerians to ensure that the forthcoming general election is violence-free.
Both men, according to a statement, spoke at the flag-off of the Senate president’s re-election campaign at Och’Idoma’s Palace Square in Otukpo, Benue State.
According to the statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Paul Mumeh, Mark urged the gathering “to remain steadfast with the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to enable it consolidate on its people centred-policies and programmes.”

Mark said the PDP was the only national vehicle for the delivery of dividends of democracy to the citizenry, claiming that other parties’ ideologies are far from peace, unity and development.
He counselled the people against falling into blackmail or antics of the opposition parties whom he said had the attitude of promoting rancour and violence in the polity.
The statement further quoted him as saying “we need to remain steadfast with the PDP. We need to consolidate on the foundations already laid. My mission and purpose is the welfare of our people. We want a greater Benue. We want a United, peaceful and Progressive Nigeria. This is my dream.”
He added: “Together, we shall achieve our dream. I will not fail you. I will not let you down. I will by the grace of God continue to give quality representation. You my people will always be my focal point.”
The PDP, he noted, might have its challenges but it is still the better option for Nigeria  adding that “we must not gamble with our future by thinking otherwise or being cajoled by parties with track records of violence.”
The statement further said Suswam thanked the people for the support and cooperation which he said had yielded peace and unity in the state since his emergence as governor in 2007.
“The governor told his people that Benue State cannot afford to be in opposition assuring that PDP has remained a blessing for the state since 1999,” it added.

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