Saturday 7 March 2015

Hurray! Letter to my daughter on her 1st birthday By Bukkie Pedro

'Letter to my daughter on her 1st birthday
Dear daughter

How wonderful it is to be pregnant with you for nine months and carried you in my hands for 1 year,  how special it feels to taste a pure and unstained love I had for you... 
Some people said when a lady is pregnant their life as ended, actually mine just started cos have got greatest love of all, you are not a mistake nor a problem,  you are a miracle and best gift from God. ..
You mean so much to me? You are the Gift of work, gift of money,  gift of friends,  gift learning,  gift of family,  gift of laughter,  gift of dreams, gift of giving,  the gift of gratitude, the gift of the day, gift of love that's all you are to me... I know I can't be with you forever, but I wish you could be with me my entire life...
Because of you I believe in angels! !! We might not have the best car nor the best house but I promise whenever you look back you will always be the best kid....
The day I gave birth and held you in my hands was the best day of my life till this moment... whenever I feel like giving up and just walk away, when I look into your eye and I'll remember have got a damsel I have to live for, who needs my love, prayers, support and motherly encouragement,  you make me know what true love is and also make me more closer to God  Because Every Morning I Woke Up And Every Night I Sleep At Night I Pray To God to always watch and guide you throughout your life.
Today is your day my everlasting joy, you will live long in good health  and wealth to witness more in the land your creator as gave you! the Lord will guide and direct your part till your old age because that's the promise of God for you.... mom and dad loves you shooting shinning star.... I believe in you because I know you will grow to be mother of all nations one day my happy girl....'

Dear daughter
How wonderful it is to be pregnant with you for nine months and carried you in my hands for 1 year, how special it feels to taste a pure and unstained love I had for you...
Some people said when a lady is pregnant their life as ended, actually mine just started cos have got greatest love of all, you are not a mistake nor a problem, you are a miracle and best gift from God. ..
You mean so much to me? You are the Gift of work, gift of money, gift of friends, gift learning, gift of family, gift of laughter, gift of dreams, gift of giving, the gift of gratitude, the gift of the day, gift of love that's all you are to me... I know I can't be with you forever, but I wish you could be with me my entire life...
Because of you I believe in angels! !! We might not have the best car nor the best house but I promise whenever you look back you will always be the best kid....
The day I gave birth and held you in my hands was the best day of my life till this moment... whenever I feel like giving up and just walk away, when I look into your eye and I'll remember have got a damsel I have to live for, who needs my love, prayers, support and motherly encouragement, you make me know what true love is and also make me more closer to God Because Every Morning I Woke Up And Every Night I Sleep At Night I Pray To God to always watch and guide you throughout your life.
Today is your day my everlasting joy, you will live long in good health and wealth to witness more in the land your creator as gave you! the Lord will guide and direct your part till your old age because that's the promise of God for you.... mom and dad loves you shooting shinning star.... I believe in you because I know you will grow to be mother of all nations one day my happy girl....  Happy birthday and more blessing........


Anonymous said...

we love her

pedro said...

we love her