Tuesday 9 September 2014

You think the iPhone 6 is Expensive? Wait Until You ACTUALLY Buy It

This morning I woke up to all the rave on Twitter: The iPhone 6. Even the @TweetOfGod handle called it the "The Biggest #AppleEvent since the fall of man." Almost immediately, the Nigerian side of the world let out an audible (by social media standards) gasp at the projected price of the phone.

If you think the iPhone 6 is expensive, you don't even know by how much yet; Huffington post has pegged as probably the biggest data-guzzling monster since the NSA.

Here's what they have to say:

Apple hasn't revealed any details about the so-called iPhone 6 yet, but here's something that doesn't need confirmation from Cupertino: If you buy the next iPhone, you're going to gobble a whole lot more data. And in a world where unlimited data plans are increasingly scarce, that may mean bigger bills.

"The average data consumption roughly doubles with every generation of iPhone,"Chetan Sharma, an independent telecommunications analyst who consults for wireless companies, wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "So I expect it to be true for 6 as well."

Our wireless data consumption is set to skyrocket in the coming years. Last year, the average mobile customer in the U.S. used 1.4 gigabytes per month, according to Cisco, the networking equipment company. That number is expected to increase more than six-fold, to 9.1 gigabytes per month by 2018.

Click here to read more

Source: #HuffingtonPost

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