Wednesday 29 October 2014

FIFA gives Nigeria Final warning until Friday to withdraw court cases or be banned

World Football governing body, FIFA has issued Nigeria a final warning to resolve its crisis before Friday or be banned.

FIFA in its latest letter to the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) addressed to Amaju Pinnick, stated that they are monitoring the state of activities in the country.

"We acknowlede receipt of your correspondence dated 27 October 2014 with regard to the latest developments of the situation of the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF)" the letter read.

"We take note of the order granted by the Federal High Court nullifying the elections of 30 September 2014 and the fact that some persons claiming to have been legitimately elected previously went to occupy the offices of the NFF causing great confusion among the administrative staff. We also note that the security forces prevented you from travelling to Namibia while you are supposed to represent the NFF at the final match of the African Women's Championship."

"As stated in our previous letters dated 9 September 2014 and 2 October 2014, FIFA stressed that should the electoral process and the instalment of the newly elected NFF board be affected by any interference,the case would be brought to the attention of the appropriate FIFA bodies for a suspension of the NFF until the next FIFA congress due to take place on 28 and 29 May 2015" part of the letter read.

Earlier today, Nigerian sports minister Tammy Danagogo met with the Pinnick-led NFF board and Chris Giwa to resolve the crisis, but they have so far failed to reach agreement on ending the court cases and the leadership crisis.

It is understood that FIFA has decided to give Nigeria the three-day grace to have sufficient time to withdraw the court case, before taking a definite step.
culled from nigerianbulletin

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