Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy New Month Great Readers Of Mc Lokko's Blog

Do not waste your days. Be one of those people who accomplish more in a week than others do in a year! Your frame of mind determines what your day will be like.
Who we are, is what we believe. As you were growing up, you may have been told over and over that you were good at doing something. You believed it.
Similarly, if you constantly tell people they are doing a good job, they will eventually believe it even if, in the beginning, they have doubts about their ability. In essence, we become what we believe.Attitudinal change speaks volume of our capability in life.
You may find at some point in your life that you have a position where you can influence another person or persons to have a greater belief in themselves than they do at present, or are people who you realize need a little boost in their own self-esteem. You may be in the position to influence how your own child feels about their abilities. This isn?t just a one-time task either for your counsel and encouragement will be called on for many, many years in the future. This is a particular kind of role that requires you to support your child as they develop new skills and not to criticize them if they should at first fail. This is a special role that needs patience, encouraging words followed by positive actions that help them build their confidence as they attempt to conquer a new skill.
This assistance in the continued growth of self-esteem is also paramount in a working environment. It does not really matter what kind of work you do, or if you are in a leadership role or not. One of the most valued support mechanisms is that of your colleagues. When a colleague tells you that you are developing your trade really well, for example when you are an apprentice and receive praise from a full journeyman, you take it to heart. This kind of influence and praise not only makes you feel that your abilities are being recognized but that you are worth speaking about from your own kind. If you believe you can achieve it
Extract from Catherine Pulsifer, © 1998 edited by Femi

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