Here's the thing with happiness: It's something you're able to work at and develop. Happiness is about expressing gratitude and loving and appreciating your life. It is the joy that derives from all of the many moments within your day-to-day routine--the elderly woman on the bus who flashes a wobbly smile, that checkout clerk who truly means it as he/she asks you how your day is going, that luscious spot of grass inside the park on which you sit in the sun to eat lunch, that hot girl/boy who decides to kiss you on a date. Happiness includes a choice we make each second of our day--to put our attention on something we cherish, something which makes us feel good, or to focus on something that makes us feel uncomfortable, annoyed, or angry. Here are six steps to happiness.

Healthy Living

Being healthy will mean listening to your body and providing yourself with the best you possibly can all of the time.
It means that you do things you enjoy, whether it be going to concerts, knitting, sunbathing and swimming at the beach, or singing your favorite songs as loudly as you can.
Move your body! Bodies were made for movement; as such, they require a lot of exercise; therefore make exercise a vital part of your day-to-day routine. Instead of driving your car, walk to your destinations as much as possible. You won't be just pumping fresh oxygen and blood around your body; you'll also be helping save your planet! Take the steps, chase the birds, and carry your own shopping bags. Do whatever you have to do to just move!
Eat healthy foods. Food actually is fuel--not merely a pleasure pod for the taste buds. Think about the nutritional value of all the foods you place into your mouth and whether they actually are offering you the sparkle you want. It's easy: Research shows that specific nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, leafy greens, and fish) proteins (beans, yogurt, nuts, eggs, chicken, and fish), and complex carbs (fruit, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole grains) actually make you feel happier!
Sleep. Make sure you get plenty of rest every evening and do not shy away from getting an occasional nap in.


Happy individuals opt to see their world through rose-colored glasses. It is about perspective: You get to select exactly how you wish to view things. Consider the glass half-empty or half-full choice that all of us know so well, and remember that "you bring about what you think about." This means that your experience is a reflection of your thoughts; therefore, if you have a desire to be happy, you must think happy as well.


Studies show that happy individuals have better quality relationships than those who aren't happy. This includes the relationship you have with yourself. It's important to develop a strong sense of self, as well as to feel good about yourself, which requires loving, respecting, and looking after yourself as much, if not more, as other people. Make time to strengthen and develop bonds with loved ones and friends.


Clarity cuts across all aspects of your life, which includes relationships, personal development, career, and lifestyle. Get clear about where you are and where you're headed instead of merely floating around waiting for a little wind to catch you and give you guidance. Do what will interest you the most, what you love, and what will make your heart sing.


It's critical that you use and identify your strengths instead of dwelling on your weaknesses. Figure out what you are good at and then do it. Leave stuff you aren't so good at for somebody who is.


Life is for living, for enjoying, and for experiencing--remain present with yourself within each moment and completely love this life! The only time that exists is the present, as you read this sentence. The prior moment is simply a memory and the next moment hasn't occurred yet, so remain here, present, and exactly where you are, and enjoy it completely.

By Murray Newlands