Wednesday 12 November 2014

Ali Baba speak on the power women have to make or break a man

Here is what Ali Baba wrote this morning about how a woman can make or break a man..(That’s his wife in the photo he shared alongside the message)
“Behind every successful man… These are not empty words. It’s not only about who the woman is. It’s about how much the woman allows you to become. What she does to help you become. How she understands you. What she tolerates. How she makes you feel… Just so you understand where I am coming from, a lady who always nags and stresses you, will choke your thoughts.(continue)

A lady who thinks you can never be anything will first kill your spirit, so even if you make it, in spite of her belief that you won’t, it would be by no help from her. You might just be challenged to make it because she is making it because you don’t want to lose your position as the provider. So, her success inspires you to achieve… You also might be driven to succeed if she celebrates you and you do not want that to stop… Soooo if Get my drift… Behind every successful man… There is a woman… Finally I say, there are many guys whose greatness was truncated not by their lack of capacity but because behind them were people who did not want them to succeed or did not help to succeed. Be guided”
I believe he is making sense. What do you feel?

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