Thursday 13 November 2014

Men, sharing house-chores with your wife gives better sexual satisfaction

According to the article published in PUNCH days back,
“…husbands who do chores such as cooking, washing the dishes, doing laundry or other traditionally female forms of housework, instead of sticking to ‘manly chores’ like cutting the hedge and mowing the lawn, have better sex life and more satisfaction in the bedroom.
Beyond the better sex, the study shows that couples who split housework fairly are the happiest between the sheets; they are the most satisfied with their sex lives, and express the highest level of sexual intimacy and satisfaction. In other words, dish soap makes a great lubricant.”
The explanation given was that,

“Many men are blind to the connection between how little housecleaning he does and how she feels about him. If a woman feels like a servant in the relationship, that will affect the more intimate and fragile parts of the relationship. Being the sole person in a marriage to clean the toilet and scrub the floors is definitely not interesting.
“When the woman feels more respected in the relationship, she in turn gives more to her mate and the relationship prospers. The result is a more successful, happier marriage, which may in turn yield happier children.
“The message you send your wife when you do so little around the house is a lack of respect for her. Perhaps resolving this major marital issue means there is less conflict at home, so the man experiences less stress over the years, enhancing his marital happiness.”
According to Prof. Toba Elegbeleye, who threw more light on the issue,
“I want to believe that any man who offers to undertake house chores does it because he loves his wife. So, it sounds quite logical if the relationship is a happy one. He tends to stay at home longer and the wife, in a way, tends to love him better and there is the possibility that tactile intimacy, touching each other, is more frequent than otherwise, and there is nothing that promotes sexual interaction than nearness and proximity.
“If a woman sees her husband helping out, it makes the woman feel great and loved, which gets her relaxed, and the best of sexual interaction undertakings occurs when the two of them are relaxed, having certain degree of happiness towards each other.”
However, he wondered how many men would have the luxury of coming back from the office and going back home to do house chores, noting that ego, which is another differing factor, is a cultural thing.
“The ego that has to do with sharing household chores is connected to our cultural background, whereas a man interprets his role in the home as a monarch, which is more of our cultural upbringing, rather than what ought to be. Where the couple do not have the luxury of hiring house helps, there is nothing bad in sharing out the chores. Even when mothers or fathers-in-law react to such, they are reacting in support of the culture not necessarily to the fact of the case,”
I really do not understand why it is a big deal for Nigerian husbands to help their wives( using my husband as an example), sometimes I wonder if it is ‘sheer wickedness’ or ‘complete unadulterated laziness’!
What you men do not understand is that helping your wives run errands or doing house chores, makes our marriage super sexy and romantic! If you like, don’t change…it’s your loss, you just have to wait until we are ‘sexually’ ready for you!

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