Tuesday 11 November 2014

Discipline time: as Presidency will sanction anybody calling President Jonathan idiot and a drunk ..

Henceforth, anyone who describes President Goodluck Jonathan with ridiculous and unprintable names such as “idiot” and “drunkard” will not be spared, the Presidency has warned.
Stating that the decay in societal norms in Nigeria is assuming alarming dimension, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe, said his office would take it as a responsibility to correct the trend.

Okupe threatened to “forcefully train” those whose parents failed to take out time to train while growing up with a view to correcting the alleged decay. 
Writing on Twitter, Okupe argued that although he is a grandfather, the “rascality” being displayed by Jonathan’s critics “is not restricted to any particular age group.”

The presidential aide insisted that being a social critic does not give those always lampooning Jonathan the leeway to abuse and malign the President’s character.
“Being a critic is no licence to insult and abuse government officials; most especially the President of the nation. Criticism is different.
“But when you say the President is an idiot, a drunkard and so forth, you no longer deserve any respect. Yorubas say children that are not trained at home must be forcefully trained by outsiders. It is our cultural obligation.
“President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is an anointed leader, an active, focused performer favoured by God and loved by the genuine silent Nigerian majority,” Okupe argued on Twitter.
Noting that he wished that the critics of the Jonathan-led Federal Government could communicate their resentments about his administration without insults, the presidential aide added that some parents had failed to bring up their children responsibly.
Okupe boasted having nine children and raising them to become responsible adults.
“I have never hustled for bread all my life. I was born into wealth and I have always lived in comfort from successful enterprises. I also have nine children. Many of them are better educated and cultured and are moving on successfully in life,” he added.
Meanwhile, many online commentators have accused Okupe of double standard with the way and manner he was preaching mannerism and basic home training via social media.
The respondents, many of who are youths, stated that the presidential aide had been a bad example for the younger generation.

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