Monday 27 October 2014

Diary of a Tenacious Lady. by Oatumbrella

Yay!!! It’s Monday, said no one ever.
It’s the beginning of a new week, some of us are excited about the opportunity of a fresh start while most of us are not; because Monday signifies the end of the weekend and the beginning of more work. I woke up his morning with this same mixed feelings. I was excited about the new week because I saw it as another opportunity to correct the mistakes I made last week and on the other hand I was sad the weekend was over. Ok!! So at this point I know most of us just want me to get straight to the point of this post so I will.
I GOT UP that’s the point. After snoozing my alarm several times like most of us did this morning I GOT UP, YOU GOT UP, WE GOT UP and believe it or not that takes strength and determination.
This week lets strive with that same attitude and let’s GET UP every chance we get because no one in history succeeded by staying down. This week when you feel tired GET UP, when you feel frustrated GET UP and when you feel like giving up GET UP and make a difference, make a change.
Have a Great week.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful piece.. Keep it up

Anonymous said...

I will always Getup in every situation*** Am a moving train** thank Mc Lokko