Sunday 26 October 2014

Mother claims Oscar and Reeva never had sex

Late model Reeva Steenkamp's mother June Steenkamp said Reeva confided in her before she was shot dead on Val's day 2013 that she'd never had sex with Oscar Pistorius.

June made this revelation in her yet to be released book titled “Reeva: a Mother's Story”. In an extract from the book in Times Magazine, June wrote that Reeva told her that although they spent nights together, they didn't have sex because she 'was scared to take the relationship to that level'.
"She had confided to me that she hadn’t slept with him. They’d shared a bed, but she was scared to take the relationship to that level. She wouldn’t want to sleep with Oscar if she wasn’t sure. I believe their relationship was coming to an end. In her heart of hearts, she didn’t think it was making either of them happy.” June wrote. Continue...

Speaking about the athlete, she wrote: "To look at him now, he's a pathetic figure. He looks haunted. He's already been punished in a way."Whatever is in his head is in his head forever. He will have to live with that."Pistorius was sentenced to prison for five years for the culpable homicide of Steenkamp. He shot her through a locked toilet door in his Pretoria home on February 14, 2013, thinking she was an intruder.Sunday Times reported that June Steenkamp wrote that she did not believe Pistorius's version."He said pulling the trigger was 'an accident'. What? Four times an accident? He said Reeva did not scream, but she would definitely have screamed. I know my daughter as she was very vocal," she wrote."There is no doubt in our minds that something went horribly wrong, something upset her so terribly that she hid behind a locked door with two mobile phones."In the book, June Steenkamp dissects every text, tweet and email in the three month relationship, looking for hidden meaning, according to the report.

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