Monday 16 March 2015

Beijing-Berlin friendship among the wonders on display at the CeBit fair in Hanover

The world's largest tech exhibition is underway in Germany. This year's big highlight is the 600 different Chinese firms showcasing their products as the "IT map shifts to the east."
Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit Ma Kai und Jack Ma auf der CeBIT 2015
German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the world's largest technological trade fair, CeBit, on Sunday, beginning the latest installment of the three-decade old exhibition that last year brought over 200,000 to the western city of Hanover.
CeBit, which is a German acronym for Center for Office Automation, Information Technology and Telecommunication, once dazzled consumers with the latest gadgets. But now, overshadowed by big tech events in Las Vegas and Barcelona, it has shifted its focus to business users. Last year, over 90 percent of its visitors were IT professionals.
This year's exhibition has a special focus on China as a partner country.
"China has developed itself from the workbench to being a global provider of solutions for the digital world. And companies such as Huawei and ZTE are already quality leaders in networking equipment here in Europe, for example," CeBit head Oliver Frese told DW's Henrik Böhme in Hanover. "We can clearly see a shift on the IT map towards the east."
Merkel has visited China seven times in her decade as chancellor, and she will meet Vice Premier Ma Kai (above left) as more than 600 Chinese companies exhibit their tech marvels at the fair. Jack Ma (above right), head of Chinese online commerce giant Alibaba, delivered the keynote address.
Chinese companies such as Huawei, Xiaomi and Lenovo will help fill the more than 30,000 square feet (3,000 m) of exhibition space. The huge Chinese contingent at the fair "makes it the biggest and strongest partner country presentation we've ever seen at CeBit," said Frese at a press conference.
Tech sector not effected by slowdown
Despite China's larger economic slowdown, information and communications technology are booming in the world's biggest smartphone market, which also has the largest number of Internet users.


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