Sunday 4 January 2015

Madonna Defends 'Rebel Heart' Images of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela

Madonna broke silence on the controversy regarding the photoshopped "Rebel Heart" images she posted online. The cover album originally features a closeup shot of the singer with black cords across her face, but Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela took the center stage in the digitally-altered pictures with the ribbons staying intact.

"I'm sorry," she said after she received backlash. "I'm not comparing myself to anyone. I'm admiring and acknowledging there (sic) Rebel Hearts. This is neither (sic) a crime or an insult or racist! I also did it with Michael Jackson and Frida Khalo and Marilyn Monroe."
"Am I saying I am them? NO. I'm saying they are Rebel Hearts too," she continued. "And I didn't do it. My fans did. And I just re posted those photos. My fans aren't racist either. If they put me in the same category as these other people, Thank you. I'm very flattered and I hope one day to live up to 1 100th of what those people accomplished."

She wrote in another post, "I would like to thank all my fans for recreating my album cover with the Rebel Heart ribbon on the faces of so many Great Hero's. It shows that you are also celebrating and in admiration of these great freedom fighters!"

"When I repost these images i am saying YES! These people are all Rebel Hearts in one way or another from Martin Luther King to Jesus to Nelson Mandela to John Lennon. YES! Lets celebrate them! The world needs more people like them. I hope to one day accomplish. 1 100th of what these Rebel Hearts have accomplished. As I Said in a previous post 'I walk in the footsteps of Giants' and i will continue to do so G*D willing. They are my guiding light. #rebelheart #livingforlove."


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